Wangechi Gitahi Travels is best described as a Universal Travel Resource Center, that provides wholesome solutions to travel related issues. It is the brainchild of Wangechi Gitahi, our Director and Chief Adventure Officer, who is an ardent traveler and renowned leader on all things travel.  Others even refer to her as modern day Vasco Dagama or the Kenyan version of Dr. Livingstone, due to her tenacity to explore and discover little known destinations as well as cultures.

Wangechi Gitahi Travels offers the below Services:

  1. Travel Blogging/writing/Content Creation 

Wangechi Gitahi Travels started out as a platform where WANGECHI GITAHI solely shared her travel experiences from across the globe. This was done as a means to provide a platform where people could get honest, actual information about destinations, people, cultures and know activities to engage in. Through her personal experiences, she had encountered limited to no information about various destinations like Northern Kenya to being disappointed by reading fictitious information about destinations or properties, only to arrive and discover they were false. Her authentic work has elevated her to a travel guru- a trusted  travel information resource, earning her several accolades including 2018 Eco Warrior Award, Runners up Journalist/blogger in promoting people, culture and heritage.  We have now expanded and diversified this service to also include property/hotel reviews, travel tips and content creation for various companies and entities. Feel free to reach out to us on the possibility of partnering together.

   2. Travel Operator/ Travel Experience Development and Execution/

We have an amazing team that is made up of knowledgeable, well travelled, travel curators  who develop and execute several travel offerings as below. In all our engagements, we ensure that they are client led and thus why we mainly specialize in customized travel experiences, regardless of one’s budget point.
Our speciality is in:
a) Cultural Immersion-We offer unique cultural engagements that allow our clientele to experience authentic cultural engagements. We provide platforms that enable our clientele to engage more with cultures from different communities through homestays at authentic villages as well as other engagements. Our aim is not for one to “see” the culture but, to immerse themselves deeply into it.
b) Backpacking– This is a less structured way to travel, but the experiences learnt from all the “surprises” enroute will definitely tickle any adventurous traveler. Here, we allow our travel friends/clients to discover places, engage with strangers and explore with no fixed itinerary. This is more about allowing the world to showcase itself, than dictating what it should showcase.
c) Travel Buddy– This caters for those who wish to travel yet have no one to accompany them or prefer not to travel in groups. We provide a professional travel buddy, who makes the travel experience feel less lonely while  ensuring you have an amazing experience.
d) End to end travel: Regardless of your budget, we offer travel experiences, suited to your specific preference and budget point. Whether wildlife safari, beach, desert, road less travelled, international, intercounty etal-, we offer end to end planning and execution and all you have to do is arrive and experience, hassle free.

3) Travel Consultancy

The team is made up of various professionals from different fields, with Wangechi being a trained marketer. We thus add value to our clientele via sharing our skills to better enhance business entities or individuals.
a) Corporate Entities: With the vast travel experience of the team, we are able to offer travel consultancy on their offerings, offer solutions to any and all gaps noted and enhancing their marketing via content creation among others.

b) Individuals: This caters for different individuals who have specific needs that they wish to be assisted in. This ranges from those who wish to plan and execute their own travel experiences, yet need the advise and guidance from an experienced traveler, to those wishing to delve into specialized travel like backpacking, solo travel or even travel writing.