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Nkhata Bay is a port town that is found along the shores of Lake Malawi in Malawi. Lake Malawi  also known as Lake Nyasa is a fresh water lake that  is shared among Tanzania, Malawi and Mozambique. It is the ninth largest lake in the world and the third largest lake in Africa. I assure you, once you arrive in Nkhata Bay, your whole body goes into excess relaxation due to the serene, relaxed nature of the area. Here, I relaxed and had many “first ” experiences. 1.Enjoy the beauty that is Lake Malawi: a) Be star truck by its beauty: Lake Malawi is beautiful and I couldn’t get enough of it. I enjoyed engaging in basic activities like just looking at it. The waters are clean, crystal clear and one can easily see fish and rocks  without even having to snorkel. For the adventurous, please engage in water activities…

Malawi 101

1.Malawi is officially known as Republic of Malawi. 2. It is a landlocked country and its capital city is called Lilongwe. 3. It is…