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1. Botswana is officially known as the Republic of Botswana and its capital city is called Gaborone. 2.The citizens are referred to as Batswana while an individual is referred to as a Motswana 3. It is a landlocked country bordered by Zambia to the North, Namibia to the West and North, Zimbabwe to the North East and South Africa to the South and South East. 4. Botswana is mainly a desert with about 70% of it being covered by the Kalahari Desert. 5. Its main income earners are mining, tourism and cattle. It is the highest producer of diamonds by value in the world. 6. The official language is English but the most spoken language is Setswana. 7. It has the largest Elephant population in Africa. 8. It has a population of about 2 million people. 9. The Okavanga Delta is a UNESCO World Heritage Center 10: Kenyans do not…

About Me

My name is Wangechi Gitahi, a Kenyan by birth and a citizen of the world. I am a young Christian lady who eats, sleeps,…