When I travelled to India, I was a rookie at travel, the real rookie. It was the first time I was travelling solo to a place I knew no-one at all. The most I knew about India was the Taj Mahal. I was travelling to India to volunteer in a village called Boothgargh for two months http://wangechigitahitravels.com/hoshiapur-my-home-away-from-home/. I thus did not carry any medication incase immigration saw them and decided to return me home thinking they were drugs (I had heard stories), I didn’t get any vaccination(I didn’t even know one should do that) and no travel insurance-I didn’t know of its importance. This ignorance combined with naivety came to bite me later-literally. One day as I was walking around the village, enjoying the fresh air, listening to the chirping of birds, enjoying the sight of green foliage and excited about an event that was to happen later in the day,…
Expression of love at Taj Mahal, Agra
Agra is located in Uttar Pradesh in the Northern State of India. This area is special to me as culture is all over from…
Immersed in Sikh and Indian culture in Amritsar
Like some of you reading this, I had never heard nor seen pictures of Amritsar before. I actually learnt about it when our newly…
The sanctuary that is Dharamshala
Dharamshala means “religious sanctuary” or “rest house” in Hindi. This place is indeed a refuge for several religious pilgrims as evidenced by the numerous…
Go wild in Shimla
It is the capital of the Himachal Pradesh State. It was known as the summer home for the Europeans during colonization, who retreated here…
India 101
India is officially known as the Republic of India and is located in South Asia It is bordered by Pakistan to the West, Myanmar…
Hoshiapur-My home away from home
Hoshiapur is a little town located in the North Eastern region of India. The area is generally referred to as Punjab due to having…