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Charcoal grilled squid


Miaoli is located to the West of Taiwan. It is generally a hilly area and thus the weather is conducive for farming and hiking. I got the privilege to visit courtesy of being invited to the Eva Airlines Family funday. I was staying at my friends Katys home and that day I accompanied Mr. Chen, her father. This family truly integrated me as part of the family that I went as part of family and I truly had a sumptuous great day. The following were the highlights: Delicacies: I managed to eat and enjoy all the below delicacies presented to me. Sometimes not knowing what is presented as  a delicacy is indeed a plus, as thus one becomes more adventurous on sampling. a) Clam soup: I thought it was vegetable soup, or sea weed soup only to reach the bottom of the bowl to find clam shells. Oh well, you…