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Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia and has a population of about 9.6 million people. It has a high population and thus heavy traffic, it be motor vehicle or motorbike is common.The people are very friendly though be prepared to take many pictures with strangers as “Black Africans’, seem not to be a common occurrence. The following were my highlights: 1.Monas: This is the National Monument of Indonesia, it is  about 132 meters tall and is a symbol of their fight for freedom.  There is a National History Museum within the compound that tells the history of Indonesia through dioramas i.e 3 D  miniature  models, paintings and stone wall carvings. In the museum, the figurines have both Bahasa and English explanations thus one can easily understand what is hapenning. 2. Ancol: This is a somewhat theme park that has anything and everything. My highlight of this place was the…