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Places to visit in Kenya


Angama Mara is a luxury lodge that is located in Narok county, Kenya, on the periphery of the famous Maasai Mara National Park. Angama is a Kiswahili word that means “suspended in mid air” and truly, the lodge is suspended safely atop the hills, close to the clouds. We would be staying at this lodge while also enjoying the beauty that is the famous Maasai Mara National Reserve. We arrived here via road and it was exciting to see many wildebeests as we approached it. At the gate/barrier, we were met by security, who then had to confirm that we had a reservation. As we were ushered in, I felt like I had just shed off my “common man” tag at the gate and was now been elevated to Very Important Person. The whole experience at the hotel can only best be expressed in clusters as below: 1.Common Areas: a)…

Meru is located about 271km from Nairobi and its main income earner is farming. The main language spoken here is “Meru” and the people here are  thus referred to as “Ameru”. Our trip here was filled with highs and lows and  the following activities: 1. Sampling  local delicacies I sampled some of the loacl traditional dishes like pumpkin soup, mukimu and chicken which I greatly enjoyed. The “Mukimu” was made from maize and peas boiled together, then boiled potatoes are added and then mashed together. This was accompanied by “kienyeji”  chicken which means traditional chicken and was very tasty. Party: We sampled the party scene in Meru town and were greatly suprised at how vibrant it was. The establishment we visited was packed, the music great and the overall mood awesome. 2.  Head to Mukulu  Our visit to Meru was hit by several bottle necks. As we travelled there, we…

Samburu National Reserve is located in Samburu county which is in Northern Kenya. Samburu county is as a hot and dry area and thus I had previously stereotyped the reserve to not have a large number of wildlife. I was greatly and pleasantly surprised by the wide array of animals we found. The reserve decided to show off, to factually tear down the stereotype and reveal its true self, a true home to a wide array of wild life. In this instance, we were camping within the park, both a new thing for me as well as an adventure that could not be missed. As we pitched our tents near the Ewaso Ngiro/Ewaso Nyiro banks, the monkeys were all too glad to  welcome us. They eyed us from the safety of the trees and only the bold ones  approached our camp. Kindly note, we were camping in a designated camping…