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Things to do in Kenya


They say You either Go Big or you Go Home and I normally tend to decide to Go Big. Take this as a Public Service Announcement. I Wangechi Gitahi, founder of Wangechi Gitahi Travels, I am officially an award winning Marathoner, having successfully completed the 42km race, at the Standard Chartered Nairobi Marathon 2024. I officially enter the history books of those who have successfully completed a Full Marathon and thus been elevated to 42km+distance. So next time you bump into me, or mention me in conversation, please address me correctly and add “Marathoner Wangechi Gitahi ” to my other titles. My medal, a reminder that I am now officially recognized as a 42km Marathoner My relationship with Standard Charted Nairobi Marathon goes way back, like way back. When it was launched in 2003, it piqued my interest and curiosity as it was the First International Marathon I knew of,…

Amboseli National Park is found in Oloitoktok, which is in Kajiado county in Kenya. The park is famous for being home to large herds of Elephants and like Maasai Mara National Reserve, it extends into Tanzania. The park is also famous as it is located at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro, thus offering guests a look at the majestic mountain, without having to climb it. I was excited as we ventured into Amboseli National Park, as I really wanted to see herds and herds of elephants, which is what the park is famous for. Elephants are indeed interesting animals everything from having great memories, to being gigantic in size but equally as soft in nature. They tend to live in communities and everyone takes care of everyone.  The head of the home is interestingly, the oldest female in the group, thus making them a matriarchal society. They have been known…

Camel Derby is an annual event that is held in Maralal town, Samburu county in August. As the name reveals, it has lots to do with camels, but there is so much more. There are various activities that one can partake in like actually racing atop a camel, to running, bike racing, cultural integration among others. There are also parties that happen during the four day event and you can also take a tour around the place. Camel Race : This is the highlight of the festivities and includes both local and international riders. Most of those who take part in it seemed to be amateurs who then had guides to lead the camels. I however noted that most if not all the competitors were foreigners.The other locals like myself seemed content with watching and cheering them on, no way was I going to race atop a camel. We  watched…

Machakos is located about 63km from Nairobi and thus an easy location to get away to. The area is dominated by the Akamba community, and it is generally a semi-arid place. The below are activities I have engaged in severally whenever we visit. 1. Visit Machakos Peoples Park This is a popular public park that is indeed a joy to visit. The landscaping at the park makes it a beauty to look at and walk through, it has great scenery and a nice quiet place to picnic or relax. The  paths are well demarcated to ensure people keep off the grass as well as having several activities people can engage in. From Machakos town, it is about 1.5km and thus one can either walk or use a tuktuk. I have engaged in the following while there and highly recommend them: a) Zip lining: I was excited when we stumbled upon…

Kakamega is a town found in Western Kenya and is 110km from Eldoret. My main enticement to visit this area was to see the famous Crying Stone. I had heart a lot about this mythical stone that cried all year round, yet, it was no where near a  river. To make the story even more weird, it was said have flowing water from atop a stand alone rock, I had to investigate. Crying Stone: There is no longer a “Crying Stone” but a “Former Crying Stone”, sorry to disappoint you. It seems to have grown up, stopped crying and now all that is left is a majestic stone with streaks of former tears. I was informed that it had stopped crying and  that its tears had dried up years ago. I was greatly disappointed to have travelled all this way only to discover this. I wondered why the “net sphere”…

Kitale is known mainly as an agricultural town and the dominant tribe here is Luhya. It is a quiet and serene town, that has lots of hidden tourist attractions. 1.Kitale Museum: I try as much as possible to visit museums everywhere I go as it readily and easily introduces one to the culture, history and lifestyle of the people. Indeed, Kitale Museum did not disappoint and had various elements to showcase their culture from clothing, jewellery, instruments among others. It has an animal orphanage in the compound that has a few animals on display like snakes, crocodiles among others . The area also showcases traditional homesteads of the communities in the area. It also has a very serene nature trail that I highly recommend. This area is all forest, lots and lots of trees, yet, the path has been well hived off. We got to see some monkeys as well…

Eldoret had been playing tricks with my mind for some time and thus, it seemed like the only way to end the mental games was to visit and explore it. We thus left Nairobi and headed to Eldoret, which is the capital of Uasin Gishu county.  Though we had planned to only visit Eldoret area, Elgeyo Marakwet seemed to want to show off and indeed we had lots to explore. 1: Elgeyo Marakwet Driving through this area was a beauty and we managed to traverse four of its constituencies. The general scenery composed of hills and valleys and we had to  slowly drive on the winding roads. It offers various attractions and sceneries in its different constituencies. a)Kerio Valley: This area offers great aerial viewpoints of the area and thus I highly recommend you make a stop over here. Visit Fluorspar Mine I learnt about this place as a young…

Kisumu City is a major city found on the banks of Lake Victoria, which is the largest lake in Africa and the second largest fresh water lake in the world, making the main economic industry fishing. Kindly note, fresh water doesn’t mean it is clean and clear, it means that it is not salty. It is located 330.6km from Nairobi and can be accessed via road, air or water. I really wanted to experience Lake Victoria and the  culture of Luo, which is the dominant tribe in the area. I got to do the following, feel free to follow suit: 1. Visit Impala Sanctuary: Regardless of the name, this place isn’t only home to Impalas, but to so many other animals. As we walked in, we were impressed by the landscaping, the lawn is neatly cut and the park clean and smart. Right after we entered, we saw impalas and zebras lazily…