Wangechi Gitahi Travels

Mouth watering Miaoli

Miaoli is located to the West of Taiwan. It is generally a hilly area and thus the weather is conducive for farming and hiking. I got the privilege to visit courtesy of being invited to the Eva Airlines Family funday. I was staying at my friends Katys home and that day I accompanied Mr. Chen, her father. This family truly integrated me as part of the family that I went as part of family and I truly had a sumptuous great day. The following were the highlights:


I managed to eat and enjoy all the below delicacies presented to me. Sometimes not knowing what is presented as  a delicacy is indeed a plus, as thus one becomes more adventurous on sampling.

a) Clam soup:

I thought it was vegetable soup, or sea weed soup only to reach the bottom of the bowl to find clam shells. Oh well, you can see I enjoyed my soup for me to have reached the bottom.

Clam shells found at the bottom of my soup bowl in Miaoli, Taiwan

b) Sweet potato and sweet potatao soup

I enjoy sweet potatoes back home but had never known one can make sweet potato soup. It is really nice, I may try this at home.

Enjoying my sweet Potato in sweet potato soup in Mioli, Taiwan

c) Chinese Tea:

Chinese tea which is dominantly green tea is a new favourite of mine. Actual green tea leaves are brewed in a kettle and drank without sweeteners. This became a staple drink for me while in Taiwan.

Enjoying my freshly brewed green tea with Mr. Chen in Mioali, Taiwan

d)Fresh produce:

The area is an agricultural area due to the great cool weather. It was awesome watching several old couples holding hands as they shopped for their fresh produce.

Fresh Food Market in Miaoli, Taiwan

e) Fresh charcoal grilled squid:

I tasted squid for the first time ever in Taiwan. It is a common delicacy and this you will find i almsot everywhere. I took the time to attempt my hand at cahrcoal grilling a squid.

I went into the kitchen to grill-Charcoal griled squid in Miaoli, Taiwan

2) Friendships made:

I met a lady called Ahuei at the Sweet Potato Garden and she is  truly an amazing lady, with the warmest of smiles. She spoke no English, I only knew how to say hello in Chinese, but somehow, we were able to communicate. You should have seen us laughing and giggling like little girls, body language does work. Please say hi on my behalf when you visit.

With Ahuei in Sweet Potato Garden, Miaoli, Taiwan
Ahuei allowed me to sample the traditional kitchen at Sweet Potato Garden, Miaoli, Taiwan

3) Check out the Wind Vanes:

Since it is located in the mountains, wind vanes have been set up to generate power. They line the road and are a beauty to look at especially when the winds blew.

Windvanes tapping the wind and generating power at Miaoli, Taiwan
With Eva Airlines staff -truly grateful for the great day

I am truly greatful to  Eva Airlines team for allowing me to enjoy the day with them and learn so much about their delicacies as well as local games.

For more on my discovery of Taiwan can be found here:

Taipei :



Taiwan 101:

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